Opened Eye, epson ultra chrome K3 ink-jet print, 19 x 28
inches /48.3 x 71.1 cm., edition of 60, signed and numbered, 2006
$ 5500,-
Hands Only, epson ultra chrome K3 ink-jet print, 19 x 28
inches /48.3 x 71.1 cm., edition of 60, signed and numbered, 2006
$ 5500,-
Soft Ground Etching - Rose, 2 colour etching, 29 3/4 x 37
inches /75.6 x 86.4 cm., edition of 50, signed and numbered, 2007
$ 6500,-
Soft Ground Etching - Coral, 2 colour etching, 29 3/4 x
34 inches /73.7 x 87 cm., edition of 50, signed and numbered, 2007
$ 6500,-
Floor Drain, 1 colour drypoint and aquatint, 39 1/8
x 28 inches /99.4 x 71.1 cm., edition of 32, signed and numbered, 1985
$ 10.000,-
Untitled, 4 colour lithograph and screenprint, 30 x
40 inches /76.2 x 101.6 cm., edition of 50, signed and numbered, 1994
$ 8000,-
Untitled, 1 colour lithograph, 30 x 40 inches /76.2
x 101.6 cm.,
edition of 50, signed and numbered, 1994
$ 6000,-
Perfect Door, lithograph, 32 x 26 inches
/81.3 x 66 cm.,
edition 50, signed and numbered, 1999
please contact gallery for price
We can offer many other works (colour lithographs, etchings, monoprints, screenprints) by BRUCE NAUMAN. From the 90's till recent editions. About these works: please contact us for images, availability, prices and other information.